static charge: anytime blitz lands a lightning bolt on an enemy hero she gains 1 stack of static charge. For each stack, her basic attacks gain a 1.5% crystal ratio maxing out at 6 stacks for 9% crystal bonus
ability A
lightning bolt
Blitz shoots a bolt of lighting out of her hand which applies a stack of static charge when it hits an enemy hero. Static charge can stack up to 6 times and will cause the cooldown of lightning bolt to be reduced by 2 seconds per stack. But will reduce damage done by lightning bolt for each stack, this abilities cooldown cannot be reduced by any other means. any target beyond the first hit by lightning bolt takes 50% damage. the energy cost is also reduced by 5% for each stack
lv 1 lv 2 lv 3 lv4 lv5
14 14 14 14 14
energy cost
20 25 30 35 45
60 90 120 150 200
Damage ratios: crystal= 15%
damage reduction per stack
5% 6% 7% 8% 9%
damage at max stacks
42 57.6 69.6 78 92
attack type, aimed bar (like joules B but more range)
Ability B
Electric discharge
Blitz releases all of her stored electic energy in a damaging jolt to a targeted enemy. this will damage all enemies in a 3 m radius around the target and slow them. This will consume all static charge stacks.
lv 1 lv 2 lv 3 lv 4 lv 5
15 17 19 22 30
energy cost
30 35 40 45 0
damage 0 stacks
attack 1 stack
20 30 40 50 65
attack 2 stacks
25 35 45 55 75
attack 3 stacks
30 40 50 60 80
attack 4 stacks
35 45 55 65 85
attack 5 stacks
45 55 65 75 110
attack 6 stacks
75 100 125 150 200
crystal ratio= 55%
splash damage
15 20 25 30 50
.45 .45 .45 .45 .45
Attack type= attack targeted character
Ability C
Blitz arms herself with deadly electric mines. When stepped on, these mines will send an electric charge to anyone in a 2.5 m radius. When placed these mines will arm instantly and detonate instantly when triggered. The mines provide vision, and when an enemy is damage by one, the mines will send out two electric bolts to the two enemies closest to an enemy damaged by the mine within a 2.5m radius of the target.These bolts will do 25% of the damage dealt by the mine.
lv 1= 1 mine lv 2= 2 mines lv 3= 3 mines
mine stats
crystal ratio= 150%
cooldown=50xlevel of ability
cost=50xlevel of ability
(note, when the ult is used the icon has the number of mines on it, whenever you tap the icon you place a mine. the cooldown doesnt start ultil you place ALL of your mines)
thinking really hard, please come back later for updated build. If there is anything you think is too strong or too weak please tell me so i can change it! Including lore, numbers, and anything else!
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smurf ign: rockermj101
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smurf ign: rockermj101
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Posts: 29