I know sometimes is dificult to make all heroes balanced but cmon now skarf is incredibly buffed he can kill all heroes in 1v1 in the early game if u dont believe me just try it, and in mid and late u can kill almost everything except krul taka if they are good players so yeah i know how to play with him and make 15/3/11 or 21/4/16 so i really know that hero is just a super buffed one in this 1.4
Sorry for my english i am latin player
I believe 10% of the life burning is too much and the damage that the spit fire do is to high
Skaarf just owns everyone in early fight if your team goes immediatly towards the enemy jungle youll rekt everyone there im not kidding we actually aced the enemy team within 5 min mark and you know what the heroes we fought were koshka, ringo, catherine vs skaarf- me , joule, taka.
I was like oh yeah finally they buffed skaarf but after i played against skaarf i was like so much
B l s t we got the right builds and we target him first but skaarf easily smithered our health to the point where his teamates kills us with such ease.
Vainglory if your gonna make a new update think about skaarfs opiness
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