VG "recommended" solution, which may not be the most practical, is that you tough it out with the horrible players until you get to the point where you are good enough to carry the team come hell or high water. If the team instalocks Celeste and Saw, you play a tank even if you've never played him before! In theory doing this makes you "worthy" of the higher tiers, and while I don't like the reasoning behind it, one can't deny that it really does make you a better player in the long run. Of course, this neglects fairness and player morale.
Other "guaranteed" option is to abuse the already flawed system. Smurf and avoid matches. Depending on which direction your moral compass points, you could make the claim that since the system doesn't honor your ability, you have no obligation to honor the system's rules. On the main VG forums someone discovered that you could get out the delay penalty from skipping matches by softlocking. Alternatively, if you create a brand new character, you can easily rack up 30/40 wins in a row and get to The Hotness in no time, whereupon you will probably be matched with far more respectable players.
Last option is to use the forums to connect with non-troll players and party up, then take the fight to soloQ where you bully the **** out of the opposing team, who may comprise exactly a group of trolls. This is probably the fairest and most reasonable approach, but it does require that you can get people together for a game.
Finally, for purposes of anger management (I think there was someone here who was at the point of smashing their phone?), it really does help to direct your rage at the developers, much like how everyone here is already doing it. Come up with really interesting ways to insult them, for example, but always remember that developing a MOBA of this complexity on a mobile device is as hard as game development gets and that they deserve credit for any attempt, no matter how flawed.
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
Picking tank if your teammates picked saw/celeste/koshka is very overrated.
Per my observation if you can carry you should go for DD no matter who are you teammates. Also per my observation combo like Vox(L)/Ringo(J)/Skaarf(tanky) is doing same or better as any "solid" comp all the way up unless you are matched vs VG/PoA full premade parties.
In general I probably would give a tip - pick a ranged hero who can carry and go aggressive. Ranged heroes usually can find opportunity to kill damaged junglers or alone melee junglers and get out of there.
Okay in all seriousness and in the genuineness of improving as a player. I am a Bad Player! I have worked and solo-queued my way to hotness silver. But I have seem to have hit a brick wall and I have had a couple of matches that made me wonder if I even know how to play this game anymore. It seems like every match I get my butt handed to me. So in the interest of this quote:
VG "recommended" solution, which may not be the most practical, is that you tough it out with the horrible players until you get to the point where you are good enough to carry the team come hell or high water. If the team instalocks Celeste and Saw, you play a tank even if you've never played him before! In theory doing this makes you "worthy" of the higher tiers, and while I don't like the reasoning behind it, one can't deny that it really does make you a better player in the long run. Of course, this neglects fairness and player morale.
How can I improve as a player and learn to carry my teammates and be "worthy" of the higher tiers because It is apparent to me that I am not yet good enough to compete. Can somebody give me some advice or will I have to just struggle through all of the losses as if a rights of passage?
I hate how I always play with bad players, and I always end up carrying, or the bad teammates just troll and run away from fights :(.
But yes I completely agree.
Not like this will happen, but we should all start in a higher skill level, and you go down or up based on how good you are.
And ranking should be individually ranked, so new/unskilled/troll players don't affect your rank!
Okay in all seriousness and in the genuineness of improving as a player. I am a Bad Player! I have worked and solo-queued my way to hotness silver. But I have seem to have hit a brick wall and I have had a couple of matches that made me wonder if I even know how to play this game anymore. It seems like every match I get my butt handed to me. So in the interest of this quote:
How can I improve as a player and learn to carry my teammates and be "worthy" of the higher tiers because It is apparent to me that I am not yet good enough to compete. Can somebody give me some advice or will I have to just struggle through all of the losses as if a rights of passage?
I'm definitely not qualified to speak about The Hotness, since I'm still stuck trying to break Hotness Bronze. As for my quote, I really meant that to be a snipe at the people who continually cite the whole "be l33t" concept. My personal opinion is that a game in which a single person is solely responsible for the success of the entire team is just flawed. Note that I'm not saying that teams don't need carries, but I find that in many soloQ cases, the skill level composition of the team is so. so. flawed, that the concept of a "carry" just becomes a single individual who is responsible for doing all the work and the other two just bottom feed because they have no idea what they are doing. This is probably more true at the lower skill levels. In such cases, I find that I have better luck as a tanky character simply because I stand a higher chance of surviving a gank, if nothing, other than just HP wise. It doesn't make sense at all, and it's screwed as hell, but I've always found it hard to play a high DPS character when my other two teammates can't be counted on to do their jobs.
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
I agree with you, Astrianna. It is hard to become a skilled player if your only option is solo-que for practice and in each match you are forced to develop chemistry on the fly and hope that other players understand and know the mechanics of the game. It almost feels like the Solo-que is the practice mode for teams to reach higher tiers and I am really just being cynical when I say this. In order to be competitive at the higher tiers you have to have a solid team. And I am not saying that is wrong but to expect a player to learn the game and excel in solo-que as you say will take a very long time. If your example is the rationale for players then the question become "do tier even matter? And should you just play the game for enjoyment until you develop working relationships with other players?" Not to mention the game is difficult to balance as it is with these and future characters to come. It just seems like the rankings and solo-que and teams are all smashed together when they could all be separate game features. Solo-que just to play and have fun and learn the game with other players. Next a ranked version of this for players that have mastered the game feature. And obviously the same for team matches. But this argument is becoming pointless because I am not a developer. So to sum my opinion; My solution for players feeling like **** after a loss is separation of team matches and rankings so that a player can choose to play for enjoyment or recognition and not have it all in one package.
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Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
Karma Level: 20
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"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
Notable (6)
Posts: 66
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Primary pick - Joule
Alternate choice - Taka, krul
Posts: 22
Notable (1)
Posts: 56
Posts: 2
Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
Karma Level: 20
Best Heroes:
Training Heroes:
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
Notable (6)
Posts: 66
Primary pick - Joule
Alternate choice - Taka, krul
Posts: 22
Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
Karma Level: 20
Best Heroes:
Training Heroes:
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
Notable (6)
Posts: 66