Hello my name is Gemini or as some may call me Yungdee180. But I also go by the DRPJR. I would like to create a way for everyone to find more players when they need a full party; So they won't be forced to solo or duo queue ranked. This can be applied to casual as well. So without further ado, here we go. What if we had an option in the friends section (or anywhere convenient) to search for players, now hear me out, you may just say," but we can already do that". Let me finish. What if instead of just adding people, you had the option to search for players looking for matches, albeit ranked or casual, and you had the option to choose the players that meet your "REQUIREMENTS". Whether you want someone who is skilled or someone who shares a Close enough skill tier so you can play ranked, or maybe you want someone who plays a specific hero, with a specific build, with a specific role/position, in a specific server, and someone who can be as active as you are. True, the forums and any social media website can be used for that but, it's not guaranteed to give you the fast and best results. A lot people don't have a VG fire account or a VG forums account, so adding this feature in game would be extremely helpful, resourceful and it'll prevent (hopefully) having to risk anything, it can also increase the chance of an entertaining match. So PLEASE SUPER EVIL MEGA CORP, consider this game changing idea. I think this idea could decrease the amount of time it takes to find a party, and no one has to fight over what role they want to play or hero. But more importantly this will provide a much safer option instead of Yolo queue (pun intended) or duo queue. Thanks for reading, and thanks for your time. My name is Gemini/Yungdee180/DRPJR and I'll see you in the halcyon fold.
Guild's do help do exactly this but this is actually needed, not all people can access a team or guild and being able to directly request for a unique certain player is a amazing thing to do in a short amount of time. Although this could be bad considering if we had it, Imagine the amount of good supports spam they would get requesting people to play with them.
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