I started playing Vainglory back then after beta. I came from LoL and enjoyed the gameplay a lot. Now Vainglory 5v5 came I am highly confused: Why does nobody know where to put certain heroes? I see supporters running after the Jungler, double toplanes etc. Is it just me or does it make sense to protect a Carry with a Support and let the Jungler go alone because the Support running after the Jungler has no job, a Jungler has enought escapes and needs no protection. I was confused about that in 3v3 already, because the Captain/Support just runs after the Jungler porpously, as I mentioned earlier. So does there have to be a more in depth tutorial to show some basic strategies?
Yeah I noticed that as well when I heard that there was a 5v5 I was like yes finally, but after a few matches I was getting frustrated with people because they have no idea how to use the 3 lane map. In league it's not really in paper but people have an understanding; the top lane is melee like Jule, middle lane is crystal and ability users like Skarf, and bottom is your carry like Saw or Skye. You have 1 or 2 junglers and a support, often helping out top or bottom.
Imn 3v3 jungling with captain is beneFicial becouse of the "passive gold bonus"
Witch basicaly means that when 2 people are jungling the will get an overall 20% more bonus gold
The same rules also aplies in 5v5
For the double top laner
The top lane is where most of the enemy hangs out, especialy on early game
Becouse the enemy gold toad is on the top , making the junggler oftenly being on the top
Sorry for all of the typo's. Im too lazy to fix em
I agree. I understand that since 5v5 is already a fundamental part of other MOBA games, but it doesn't make sense trying to apply their rules to Vainglory. A roam should not stay with only one lane in Vainglory, it does not work even though it does (to a degree) in LoL.
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(capital "R,E,D,W)
I usualy use any carry, but...., MEH
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