As the subject reads, which build is better? Weapon build deals massive basic attacks and decent ability damage or crystal build that deals minimal basic damage and rapes with abilities??
I would argue that something of a hybrid build works best for Taka. You have to think about what his primary role in a team is, and really that job comes down to being a badass assassin that takes enemy heroes down quickly. And because he is squishy you don't want to be stuck in a prolonged fight with anyone *caugh*Krul*caugh*, so I've personally found that going pure WP with him isn't always a good choice, since it forces you to to bulk up your defenses as you're intentionally exposing yourself more by prolonging fights.
So with that in mind, he benefits a lot from extra CP to make his abilities hit hard. But on the flipside, completely ignoring WP leaves him vulnerable when he's on cooldown, and makes leveling harder in the jungle, not to mention there are so many items that syngergize well with his playstyle to make his basic attacks burst-ey (Tension bow, aftershock, alternating current). I think the ideal scenario for him is X-retsu -> burst-y basic attack or 2 -> Kaiten -> another basic attack for the kill -> kaku the hell out of there. If you're sitting there going blade to blade with a WP Glaive who already has more health than you, you're gonna have a bad time.
Ive tried all three Taka builds, pure wp/pure cp/hybrid and found that its all situational. Personally i like the cp build the best, it suits Taka's assassin role better by providing massive burst damage. One or two hits using aftershock and your two skills and most enemies are below 25% health or dead. Wp Taka is more of a stand in and deal damage character. The burst isnt as high but with a few extra normal attacks he can easily out damage most anyone. Hybrid is by far my least favorite. It doesn't excel at either so you end up usually just hurting people a lot and hoping your teammates are there to help you out. If my entire team is going cp, I'll go wp to diversify and make the enemy counter multiple builds and vice versa.
My focus whenever tailoring builds on any hero is the effectiveness at any point in the game. This means making the most of the early game, mid game, and late game, without sacrificing too much on either front.
SO I like to start with a Tension Bow for that early game fear factor and ganking potential. Next, you should go into Aftershock, for even more bursting power.
This also diversifies your build with CP to avoid any hard counters on WP. While building Aftershock you should get Blazing Salvo to nicely complement his passive House Kamuha.
From there on keep the enemy builds in mind and look for weaknesses to exploit. I like to get Sorrowblade if the enemy fails to build armor. If they fail to build shield then go for Shatterglass and Piercing Shard.
My final builds typically look like this: Tension Bow, Tornado Trigger, Aftershock, Eve of Harvest, Shatterglass, Boots. You can switch in and experiment with these, depending on the game: Broken Myth, Sorrowblade, and Tyrant's Monocle.
For me WP is best because his ult and overdrive for Kaiten is pretty good by itself, so I like the basic attacks to be able to finish my enemy off. But whenever I do CP Taka, I like to get his first WP then wander off to CP. This ensures that I can do what the rec suggests to do, which is making Taka WP, but then add power to his abilities. Eve of Harvest is great for Taka because he is definitely the master of burst damage with X-Retsu, so if he is low health he can go back into battle if X-Retsu is up. Also I recommend getting overdrive for Kaku because it heals him then. Hybrids work best for me.
1. CP can result is significantly self-healing using your B.
When used with decent energy and energy recharge, Taka can be a ton of fun especially against opponents who fail to counter with scout traps and contraption. In low-mid Tier fights you end up with free range over the whole map as you please.
2. It reduces your dependency on your roamer and on building defense - especially on lower tier fights.
3. It makes building clocks a bit more in keeping with your overall build. Think about it - Taka gets an A that allows him to dodge and a B that can turn him invisible and recharge his health (completely with enough CP) and a fast timer on his C vs. several heroes. Keeping up energy and recharge speed means you can just dance around less skillful players.
That said, even with lots of CP Taka's damage is fairly significant for WP and it WP naturally can build to help farming speed and Lane defense in a pinch.
II don't see many pro players using Taka though and he does struggle for me against smart roamers.
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