I just played a match against a team consisting of Glaive,Ardan, and Rona who all built storm guard banner. Rona would take turret damage, Ardan protects her with vanguard, and Glaive pushes damage dealer away. All three attack the turret. Of course, they all get taken down by the enemy team after the Rona and the turret goes down, but the storm guard team gets 900 gold. They keep repeating this tactic and win even if they die because turret gold is more than farm gold.
Details: Rona builds attack speed, stormguard, and defense
Ardan build health, stormguard, and attack speed
Glaive builds attack speed, war horn/ stormguard, and defense.
Boom... Game over in 13 minutes...
Have any of you tried this super op tactic?
Do any of you know how to counter it?
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