Kite like Crazy- A guide to Weapon Power Ringo by Fenrir

Kite like Crazy- A guide to Weapon Power Ringo

By: Fenrir
Last Updated: Dec 25, 2014
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Weapon Power Pownage

Ability Path

Double Down
Heroic Perk
Achilles Shot
Twirling Silver
Hellfire Brew

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Krul Don't.Get.Close. And don't linger while fighting him, he can easily turn the tide and recover massive amounts of health. Just kite him and he's a pushover. Use Hellfire Brew if he tries to escape with low health.
  No Threat
Adagio Meh. Adagio isn't a problem most of the time. His heal can be annoying though. If you encounter him early game, the odds are in your favor. Use Achille's Shot to counter his slow. Make sure to get out of the way of his ultimate in teamfights, especially if you are burning with Arcane Fire. I have had a lot of encounters early game where I shut him down right away.
SAW If he misses Supressing fire, just damage him enough that (hopefully) he'll try to run away with full stacks. Achilles shot him immediatley to prevent Roadie Run's effectivness. If he uses Roadie Run for the damage, Just keep the damage coming, since his stacks will be out, leaving him extremely vulnerable. Chasing him down is pretty easy. Even if he used Roadie Run, Use all your skills and you should catch up to him and kill him.
Ringo Make sure you unload your damage before he does. If you kite better and farm than him, you'll win every time. 'Nuff said.
Joule Her passive is very annoying for Weapon Ringos. She can also harass with Thunder Strike and the stun from Rocket Leap is no joke. However, if she hasn't built any boots, just activate Twirling Silver and run circles around her. Soon enough she'll find that she's filled with bullet holes, being chased by a big angry fireball.
Skaarf Sometimes battles between Skaarf and Ringo can get ugly. His perk is an absolute destroyer of Ringo's health, 'cuz those flames burn hot as hell. Seriously, he will be burning 12% of your health every second. If he does manage to land his goop and spitfire, then keeps attacking you it won't go well. Also his ultimate can decide the outcome of a teamfight in a few seconds. Kite him and kill him fast.
Petal I find that Petal can be rather dangerous, due to her unmatched attack range and massive burst damage. You can't kite her without taking some heavy damage in return, if she knows what she's doing.
Taka Stack up on flare guns. If you ever find yourself in the jungle, don't linger. Get your job done and get out. Hit him from a distance in lane, and be aware that if he starts moving toward you, he may be targeting his X-Retsu. Remember that even after his burst damage unloads, his perk will allow him to critical hit every strike. Watch this one like a hawk and if he goes into Kaku to escape because of low health, use a flare gun and spit some fire.
Koshka Same as Taka. BE AWARE OF THE MAP AND KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. Her passive allows her to chase you down pretty easily, and she can get to you really fast. Don't get locked down with her stun in a teamfight, or you're dead. However, unlike noob Takas, which are ridiculously easy to kill, inexperienced Koshka players can still tear you into little ribbons. How nice.
Glaive Glaive can wreck Ringo pretty fast if he surprises you. Be aware of Afterburn's high ambush potential. Kite him and be aware of your limitations and what build he's using. If he ganks you when you're at half health or below, your chances of escape are pretty low. Killing him should be your top priority in teamfights. Good news is he's extremely succeptable to kiting. The reason that he's a high threat level is because pro Glaive players won't waste time being kited. Also, remember that he is surprisingly tanky for his high damage.
Catherine Ringo's worst nightmare. Catherine can be a real pain, especially if she's built lots of defense. Just wait until she's out of her bubble, then unload your damage on her. And don't get caught far in lane with her stun. Her silence can also turn the tide if used at the beginning of teamfights. Let someone else directly deal with her and pepper her with bullets from afar.


WP=weapon power
Hello everyone, this is my first guide, and I though weapon power Ringo would be a good start. Ringo is a high-damage, highly mobile, squishy hero who belongs in lane. I mean seriously, he sucks in the jungle. He is fairly easy to play as, but takes time to master. WP Ringo is a great addition to any team, especially when facing an enemy team with lots of squishy heroes. WP Ringo is focused on harrassement, constant high damage over time, and great farming and pushing potential. Even though weapon power is the core of this build, he is still dependent on his abilities. Twirling silver is his most important ability, as it is the key to kiting. Kiting is basically moving around to avoid damage and keep your distance, while still attacking your enemies. Ringo absolutely excels at this, due to his high mobility and good weapon damage. Ringo's last skill is perfect for finishing off fleeing enemies, provided they don't use Reflex Block.

Here are some general tips to finish up :)
    -Always unlock Twirling Silver first-It is the essential skill to farming and kiting
    -Don't get to cocky-venturing to far in lane could leave you at the mercy of Glaive or Catherine. And, as -we all know, they have no mercy ;(
    -Use Achilles Shot sparingly-Don't just spam it for damage, since you may need it
    -Don't farm in the jungle. Just don't.
    -Harass enemy heroes in the lane before they can harass you-your early game damage is pretty high.
    -When going into the jungle,for whatever reason, be aware of the map and your teammates, and if there is an assassin or Glaive in the jungle, it couldn't hurt to carry a flare gun.
    -After last hitting a minion, target an enemy. You'd be surprised how much damage results from switching off between last hitting minions and attacking enemy heroes, especially while Twirling Silver is activated. Remember to kite while doing this, or you might take more damage than they do.
    Your passive, combined with Tensions Bow, can make your first bullet a truck. If they get frigthened and try to run away, follow up with Achilles Shot.
    -Your passive is versatile and has many uses. Feel free to experiment with it.
    -If two of the enemy players have just been killed, try to get the third one and grab the ace.
    -Remember how squishy you are and your limitations. If you follow all these tips, you should dominate with Ringo in no time :D

Thanks for reading my guide. If you liked it, go ahead and give it a like. If not, go ahead and give it a like ;). May you unleash the Kraken in every game!

P.S. Go ahead and give me suggestions in the comments :)
FenrirGamer out!

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