+30 Crystal Power
+1 Energy Recharge
+15% Cooldown Reduction (Max 35%)
Passive: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals crystal damage equal to 10% of target's max health (max 300 against structures and epic monsters) with 25% lifesteal. 1s cooldown.
Tip: Very effective against enemies with high health.
So, to use this, I basically use an ability, which deals damage, and then it is my NEXT basic attack that will deal this damage? Sounds awesome, especially if you are fortress with fast cooldown speeds.
This item is powerful. I recommend using it on glaive, krystal krul, bruiser ardan or koshka for HEAVY tank meltdown. This item is one of my favourites in the game because if used right, you can dominate in all duels.
This is good for hybrids because its not too much crystal power and can add to a lot of damage mixed with Tension Bow. It spears through the health of your enemies and then you can do your ability to finish them off. Aftershock is amazing for Shank Saw too.
The passive should be worth 1150 for it to be a good idea to buy this item.
Personally, I think it is. It usually adds ~300 damage, so you end up paying like 4 gold for 1 damage on the first hit. This is the same as tension bow, but this item goes beyond that when the enemy buys health and it even heals you for as much as 150 health.
Interesting, i find this extremely helpful when taking down kracken solo with krul. My offense is aftershock, blazing salvo, clockwork, clockwork. So with the 2 second cooldown i can time my abilities right and get 4 of these off in a row, per burst.
According to this Slice Damage deals more damage on opponents who have higher health.
It is unclear whether it deals damage based on their maximum or current health, although it seems to be based on their maximum health.
The damage dealt is crystal damage according to this thread.
This is still pretty strong, if you could buy 5 of these and they all kept the passive, Taka's Kaiten and then Autoattack would kill most low-shield enemies.
If the enemy hasn't bought any defensive items, this passive usually deals 300 damage late game, so its passive is way better than tension bow (which is similar) for the late game, and only slightly worse early game.
However, according to this thread if you buy two of these, you're wasting the effect of the second.
Remember, item passives (things that just happen with the item and aren't one of the numbers) do not stack, but item actives (where you click something and THEN something happens) do, so you can use 2 fountains of renewal to fully heal your team, or 5 crucibles to give them a second life for a couple of seconds.
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After that, enemy heroes just melt.
Personally, I think it is. It usually adds ~300 damage, so you end up paying like 4 gold for 1 damage on the first hit. This is the same as tension bow, but this item goes beyond that when the enemy buys health and it even heals you for as much as 150 health.
Then monacle and health and defense.
It is unclear whether it deals damage based on their maximum or current health, although it seems to be based on their maximum health.
The damage dealt is crystal damage according to this thread.
This is still pretty strong, if you could buy 5 of these and they all kept the passive, Taka's Kaiten and then Autoattack would kill most low-shield enemies.
If the enemy hasn't bought any defensive items, this passive usually deals 300 damage late game, so its passive is way better than tension bow (which is similar) for the late game, and only slightly worse early game.
However, according to this thread if you buy two of these, you're wasting the effect of the second.
Remember, item passives (things that just happen with the item and aren't one of the numbers) do not stack, but item actives (where you click something and THEN something happens) do, so you can use 2 fountains of renewal to fully heal your team, or 5 crucibles to give them a second life for a couple of seconds.
Source: Programmer Googling Skillz