Activate: Maim nearby enemies, lowering their attack speed by 50% of their total for 4s in a 5-meter range. Additionaly reduces weapon power damage by 30%. (45s cooldown)
Tip: Counters weapon power carries, but you must get close to the enemies to affect them.
Atlas Pauldron's effect is applied when the yellow ring bursts out from the character. It is applied to anyone in that radius (which is a 4 meter range). I timed it in practice and it takes 1 second from the time it's activated to be applied. It can be reflex blocked.
Atlas Pauldron's effect is applied when the yellow ring bursts out from the character. It is applied to anyone in that radius (which is a 4 meter range). I timed it in practice and it takes 1 second from the time it's activated to be applied. It can be reflex blocked.
Say I am playing Alpha going into a spun-up Saw with Prime Directive. I would initiate Prime Directive and hit Saw first then activate Atlas and hopes the Saw does not hit reflex block as a reaction to block the active of Atlas? Or would it be better to activate Atlas > Prime Directive so the Saw does not have ample time to reflex block Atlas's active?
The ideal situation would be to hit it before you arrive. However, that would take some practice on your part. I'm not currently educated on the length of time it takes alpha to close the gap using Prime Directive, that length of time would also change depending on the distance to be closed. An overdriven Prime Directive seems as if it would take too long at full range, thus wasting the pauldron's effect. But if you learn the time it could be a very effective measure.
However, a lot of that depends on the level in which you play. I don't think many realize you can reflex an Atlas Pauldron Also, you have to remember that saw could still escape using Roadie Run, although this would have the same effect as an atlas by cancelling out his attack speed if he was fully spun up. Finally, I think most Saw players, especially Spun up, would stand there and attempt to battle it out with you and probably wouldn't realize you were hitting them with atlas until it was too late.
So the "perfect world" strategy would be to trigger it immediately prior to arrival so it triggers upon arrival, but that's going to take a lot of practice in timing from you. I personally would trigger it once I had arrived at the target. I think that would be have the more favorable outcome for several reasons. If you mistime it when approaching, you are probably going to be mincemeat for a spun up saw with an alpha. If they trigger their reflex block once you have arrived to block the atlas, you are still probably mincemeat, but you have two other teammates, and you just caused them to waste their reflex block, leaving them susceptible to more harsh attacks like the various ults or burst damage that may land as a result of them not having the reflex block.
Just to be sure, is it applying -65% of attack speed everytime?
If ennemy builds only a salvo which give 35% attack speed, does atlas affect then with the 30% left the basic attack speed of the heroe?
Thanks for the answer !
I am pretty sure it does because almost every hero starts with 100% Atk speed then it gets about 136% at max lvl usually so then it would still have atk speed to reduce but I'm not sure what would happen if you used the Pauldron like 3 times and their atk speed went down past zero... If you know this would be a cool thing to know.
Just to be sure, is it applying -65% of attack speed everytime?
If ennemy builds only a salvo which give 35% attack speed, does atlas affect then with the 30% left the basic attack speed of the heroe?
Thanks for the answer !
True. You will need to assess each situation on its own merits. Hopefully if you find yourself in a situation like that, one of your melee allies will pick up an Atlas Pauldron so you can focus something else.
Atlas Pauldron is a situational defensive item. Good against enemies that stack attack speed (from items like Tornado Trigger or Alternating Current). Otherwise, Metal Jacket is more beneficial for WP enemies.
Yeah, but you also have to be sure you're going to get close enough, so usually you shouldn't buy it if you are some long-range character fighting against other ranged characters.
Atlas Pauldron is a situational defensive item. Good against enemies that stack attack speed (from items like Tornado Trigger or Alternating Current). Otherwise, Metal Jacket is more beneficial for WP enemies.
Is this Atlas Pauldron helpful in taka's burst atk speed? From what i know it is but im not entirely sure
Taka doesn't get burst attack speed. Or do you mean when he buys items like tornado trigger?
Either way, this is good if you are melee (so you can actually get in range to use it) and the enemy actually cares about their attack speed. If taka has only a tension bow and aftershock, he won't care if he attacks a second time, so this item would be useless against him.
It's probably the most effective against SAW, since saw basically has to keep attacking you.
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Say I am playing Alpha going into a spun-up Saw with Prime Directive. I would initiate Prime Directive and hit Saw first then activate Atlas and hopes the Saw does not hit reflex block as a reaction to block the active of Atlas? Or would it be better to activate Atlas > Prime Directive so the Saw does not have ample time to reflex block Atlas's active?
However, a lot of that depends on the level in which you play. I don't think many realize you can reflex an
So the "perfect world" strategy would be to trigger it immediately prior to arrival so it triggers upon arrival, but that's going to take a lot of practice in timing from you. I personally would trigger it once I had arrived at the target. I think that would be have the more favorable outcome for several reasons. If you mistime it when approaching, you are probably going to be mincemeat for a spun up saw with an alpha. If they trigger their reflex block once you have arrived to block the atlas, you are still probably mincemeat, but you have two other teammates, and you just caused them to waste their reflex block, leaving them susceptible to more harsh attacks like the various ults or burst damage that may land as a result of them not having the reflex block.
Just to be sure, is it applying -65% of attack speed everytime?
If ennemy builds only a salvo which give 35% attack speed, does atlas affect then with the 30% left the basic attack speed of the heroe?
Thanks for the answer !
I am pretty sure it does because almost every hero starts with 100% Atk speed then it gets about 136% at max lvl usually so then it would still have atk speed to reduce but I'm not sure what would happen if you used the Pauldron like 3 times and their atk speed went down past zero... If you know this would be a cool thing to know.
If ennemy builds only a salvo which give 35% attack speed, does atlas affect then with the 30% left the basic attack speed of the heroe?
Thanks for the answer !
Atlas Pauldron is a situational defensive item. Good against enemies that stack attack speed (from items like
Yeah, but you also have to be sure you're going to get close enough, so usually you shouldn't buy it if you are some long-range character fighting against other ranged characters.
Is this Atlas Pauldron helpful in taka's burst atk speed? From what i know it is but im not entirely sure
Taka doesn't get burst attack speed. Or do you mean when he buys items like tornado trigger?
Either way, this is good if you are melee (so you can actually get in range to use it) and the enemy actually cares about their attack speed. If taka has only a tension bow and aftershock, he won't care if he attacks a second time, so this item would be useless against him.
It's probably the most effective against SAW, since saw basically has to keep attacking you.
Comparing it to coat of plates doesn't make sense because big armor and shield items cost more than small armor and shield items.