Are You Ready to Reim-ble? [2.8] by G01d3n

Are You Ready to Reim-ble? [2.8]

By: G01d3n
Last Updated: Sep 8, 2017
103 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: G01d3n's Reim Build (All Modes)

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Winter Spire
Chill Winds

Table of Contents Top

Introduction Top

Are you ready to Reim-ble? Oh how I love lame puns.

This guide is for Reim as a Jungler for Update 2.8.

I honestly don't see him viable in Lane or as a Captain, but feel free to write your own guide if you disagree.

Let me introduce myself to previous and new viewers of this guide:

❃ IGN (In Game Username): G01d3n
❃ Highest Ranked Tier: Simply Amazing (Silver)
❃ Main Heroes: Reim & Crystal SAW
❃ Guild: One Punch Clan (OPC)
❃ Team: None

I'M WARNING YOU NOW!!! This is a very detailed guide, but I've tried to simplify it as much as possible.

Now then... Let's get moving.

Latest Update Top



Reim has not received any changes in four patches...?

My Thoughts:

Is he balanced now? Is that why he isn't receiving any changes? I think he deserves a slight buff...

Guide Update Top



❃ Updated my overall build for Reim.
❃ Currently updating new section: Battle Royale
❃ Currently updating new section: Blitz

Updated Sections:

❃ Weapon Matchups
❃ Crystal Matchups
❃ Early Game
❃ Mid Game
❃ Late Game

Reim (General) Top

Skins Top

All of Reim's skins splash art will be posted in this section. Skins are PURELY COSMETIC and do not affect stats.


Tier 1:

Tier 2:

Tier 3:

Lore Top

Reim is a grumpy old winter mage who freezes everyone who crosses him. Though he moves slowly, he deals heavy damage to opponents while being surprisingly resilient himself. He holds his own in the lane, but he's particularly effective in the jungle where he can go toe-to-toe against most opponents that he can catch.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Mentality Top

This section explains what you should think as playing Reim if you were in his own body.

Reim is a Skillshot Hero:

❃ All of Reim's abilities require proper aim to maximize their effects.
❃ Having a tough time aiming with other skillshot heroes like Celeste? Reim isn't going to be any easier.
❃ Thankfully, basic attacks don't require proper aim.

Weaker Early, Stronger Late:

❃ In my opinion, Reim is weaker then most heroes during the early game.
❃ There is a lot of pressure early on to land your A and B abilities, you are a dead man if you miss.
Reim is very strong during late game, as he is able to 2 vs 3 and even 1 vs 3 during teamfights.

Tanky and Powerful, but not the Carry:

Reim is one of the tankiest non-captain heroes in the game.
❃ Don't expect to go 20-0 in every match you play.
❃ Soak up that damage and work as a team to take down the enemy team during teamfights.

You are not Sonic the Hedgehog:

Reim is one of the slowest heroes in the game, only beating out Phinn and Baron.
❃ You may need assistance from your team to catch up to enemy heroes.
❃ Fleeing is much more difficult. Don't expect to teleport out of a bad situation like Lyra can.

Pros and Cons Top

This section will explain the main Pros and Cons of Reim along with a few other Pros and Cons worth mentioning.

Pros [+]

Rock Solid Defense:

❃ As mentioned in the previous section, Reim is super tanky for a Jungler.
❃ He can generate Fortified Health with basic attacks and any of his abilities.
❃ As long as he can stick to his target, Reim is very hard to take down.

Late Game Fighter:

❃ Also mentioned in the previous section, Reim is a late game hero.
❃ He can destroy any melee hero in a 1 v 1 fight and can take on 2 vs 3, 1 vs 3 teamfights.
❃ He can tank a load of damage from turrets and is one the few heroes that can solo the Kraken.


Reim has THREE reliable ways to keep enemies immobile.
❃ Slows, Stuns, Roots. SSR. Super Super Rare... OK, I'll shut up with the Card Game Gacha References...
❃ It's too bad Frostburn is a redundant item for Reim.


❃ Very fast Jungle clear time. Can usually solo Jungle without the help of the Captain.
Atlas Pauldron is ineffective on Reim. Slowing his basic attacks won't really stop him.
❃ His abilities have shorter cooldowns then most Junglers, which is very good for any Crystal Power hero.

Cons [-]

Target Practice:

Reim's biggest weakness other than Crucible is ranged heroes.
❃ They will punish Reim if you can't stick to them by kiting you for days.
❃ Smart ranged hero players will target you first knowing this weakness, so be aware.

Slow as a Snail:

❃ Also mentioned in the previous section, Reim's movement speed isn't exactly the best.
❃ He has a very difficult time finishing off fleeing enemies and usually has to rely on the Captain or Carry.
❃ He has no innate escapes which gives him a tough time fleeing.

Early Game Survivor:

Reim has to be very cautious during his early game to avoid making any fatal mistakes.
❃ Although he only needs 2 offensive T3 items for most of the game, falling behind in gold is still bad.
❃ Better pray your Carry has map awareness if you are up against any early game heroes.


Reim being a skillshot hero means missing abilities has higher consequences for you and your team.
❃ His abilities are somewhat predictable and can be dodged with some effort.
Poisoned Shiv & Aftershock. I will explain why in a few sections down.

Reim (Combat) Top

Skillset Top

This section will explain Reim's skillset and what he has to offer as a hero in Vainglory.

Heroic Perk: Frostguard

Reim's basic attacks deal 15-54 (+90% crystal power) bonus crystal damage over 2 seconds and grant 25% of the damage dealt with this effect as fortified health (reduced against non-heroes).

Reim's attacks and abilities also chill opponents. Basic attacks against targets that are already chilled apply a 60% slow that decays over 0.6 seconds.


❃ This Heroic Perk boosts Reim’s basic attacks by giving fortified health, bonus crystal damage, and a decaying slow.

What is “Chill”?

❃ Chill is a status effect exclusive to Reim.
❃ Whenever he damages an enemy hero, he applies the chill status to that hero.
❃ Once a hero is “chilled”, any follow up attacks by Reim applies a decaying slow to that hero.

Ability A: Winter Spire

Reim summons a spire of ice at a nearby location, dealing crystal damage to surrounding enemies. After a short delay, the spire shatters, dealing heavy crystal damage. 35% of the damage dealt with this ability is gained as fortified health. Damage dealt and fortified health gained is reduced against non-heroes.

This ability deals 25% increased damage to chilled targets.


❃ This ability is Reim's signature spam ability.
❃ Overdrive it ASAP for the extra damage, range, etc.
❃ Make sure you try and aim this correctly as it does increased damage to already chilled targets AND gives you fortified health.

Ability B: Chill Winds

Reim deals a burst of crystal damage to all surrounding enemies (25% damage to minions).

This ability roots enemies who are chilled, temporarily preventing them from moving. A rooted enemy can still attack.


❃ This ability is one of Reim's CC abilities that can cause the status effect of "root".
❃ Combo this ability with Reim's A or C abilities or his basic attacks for maximum effect.
❃ You must know when you have "chilled" an opponent, otherwise you can't "root" an enemy in place.

What is “Root”?

❃ Root is a status effect available to Reim, Lance and Flicker.
❃ Whenever Reim "chills" an enemy hero, he can apply the "root" status to that hero.
❃ Once a hero is “rooted”, that hero can't move for a short amount of time, but can still attack.

Ability C: Valkyrie

Reim summons an ancient valkyrie, devastating enemies at the target location. All enemies are slowed, while enemies closer to the center are stunned and take increased damage.


❃ This ability is Reim's ultimate, which can be used for many purposes.
❃ It is mainly used to disrupt certain heroes ultimates and to prevent enemies from running away.
❃ Aim it well, and it will award you with more damage and a valuable stun which can turn the tides of any battle.
❃ Try to use Valkyrie when your Broken Myth stacks are full for maximum damage.

What is “Stun”?

I'm not going to explain this because if you are a gamer that doesn't know what a stun is, then I feel really sorry for you. Not even joking.

Items Top

This section will explain the items in the build I use for Reim.

I will also include options other than Nullwave Gauntlet for the 5th slot.


Eve of Harvest:

Eve of Harvest is the bread and butter for Reim's build.
❃ Lifesteal synergizes well with the fortified health he gains from his Heroic Perk.
❃ Energy gain and regen is very important for a crystal/ability reliant mage.
❃ Extra crystal power helps him do more damage and gain more fortified health.

Broken Myth:

❃ The stacks allow Reim to gain back massive amounts of health with Eve of Harvest and fortified health with basic attacks and any of his abilities.
❃ The shield pierce is great for enemies building an Aegis or Fountain of Renewal against you.
❃ Extra crystal power also equals more damage and fortified health.



❃ Pretty much a reflex block for Reim.
❃ Use this item to avoid dangerous stuns and silences from enemy heroes.
❃ Provides the shield needed to tank damage from enemy Crystal Powered heroes.

Atlas Pauldron:

❃ Slows the attack speed of any hero in close range of Reim.
❃ Weakens the DPS (Damage Per Second) of any WP heroes Reim can catch for 4 seconds.
❃ Good choice for Reim since he can stick to a hero and apply the effects without missing.

Nullwave Gauntlet:

❃ Great addition to Reim's CC arsenal. Very effective during late game.
❃ Prevents a hero of your choice from activating any of their items, preferably the enemy Captain.
❃ Synergizes well with Reim's high health to do more crystal blast damage.


Halcyon Chargers:

❃ New preferred choice for Reim. Prevents Reim from running out of energy in late game.
❃ Provides 50 less health than Journey Boots, but gives a longer sprint time.
❃ As if Reim's cooldowns aren't low enough, but hey, the shorter the better right?

Journey Boots:

❃ A good choice when you can land abilities reliably and have one hero on your team that can chase.
❃ Low cooldown during combat, helps Reim consistently chase fleeing heroes.
❃ You don't have to buy another item to upgrade this from Sprint Boots, you just need gold.

War Treads:

❃ A good choice when your whole team consists of two or more slower heroes who need to chase as a team.
❃ A good choice when your Captain forgets to build it.
❃ Gives a bigger health bonus than the other boots making you even more tanky.


Slumbering Husk:

❃ If burst damage is a significant issue, pick this item up instead.
Reim becomes a fortified health monster with this equipped.
❃ Can't say no to more health for Reim.


❃ Still can't catch up to enemy heroes? Get this item if you are really having that much trouble.
❃ Don't forget to activate it, otherwise there will be no slow.
❃ Extra health makes you tougher to take down.

Fountain of Renewal:

❃ A good replacement if the enemy team is double or even triple Crystal power.
❃ Double Fountain of Renewal is really strong and underrated.
❃ Extra shield plus health just boosts the tankiness of Reim.

Metal Jacket:

❃ A good replacement if the enemy team is double or even triple Weapon power.
❃ This item helps reduce the damage you take from criticals, which can really sting if left unnoticed.
❃ Makes up for the lower amount of armor provided from Atlas Pauldron.

Alternating Current:

❃ Addicted to Stutter Stepping? Then this is the item for you.
❃ Become a more offensive Reim with extra attack speed and crystal power.
❃ Purchase Blazing Salvo instead of Dragonheart when shopping.


❃ A good replacement if that Taka/ Kestrel/ Flicker is just annoying the heck out of you.
❃ Good for controlling vision in the jungle if your Captain doesn't buy it.
❃ The cooldown reduction and energy recharges works out well for Reim.

Poisoned Shiv & Aftershock Top

Aside from Crucible which is usually built by the Captain, the two biggest items that all Reim players need to watch out for are Poisoned Shiv and Aftershock.

Poisoned Shiv:

❃ An item that severely reduces healing.
❃ This item affects the life steal from Reim's Eve of Harvest and his fortified health.
❃ Reducing both of Reim's main perks can really hurt his sustain in battle.


❃ An item that has been around in Vainglory for a while now.
❃ This item can take 15% of Reim's health with a basic attack.
❃ Despite being tanky, Reim will lose a base set amount of health each time.

If you see an enemy Jungler or Carry with one of these items, prioritize killing that hero first.

If both enemy heroes have these items, choose the one who you think is doing more damage.

Fighting Tips Top

This section will give you some tips for different fighting scenarios including Jungling, Ganking, Teamfighting and Escaping.


❃ Use your Winter Spire to kill the Jungle minions faster. Only auto attacks won't cut it.

❃ The treant's root shouldn't bother Reim at all, just destroy it as you would a normal jungle minion.

Reim should attack the minions first instead of the Captain, especially if that Captain has a weak early game ( Catherine, Fortress). His fortified health and fast jungle clear makes this possible.

❃ Please don't use Chill Winds to kill jungle minions. It drains too much energy.

❃ Save your Healing Flask for when you are low on energy.

❃ Make use of the Crystal Miner when being invaded.

❃ Unsure about a bush? Throw a Winter Spire into a bush. If you see a health barrier pop up on Reim's health bar, there is an enemy hero in that bush.


❃ In general, try not to gank too much, Reim sucks at ganking by himself.

❃ Focus on farming unless your Lane is in deep trouble.

❃ Try to avoid ganking until you have at least a pair of Travel Boots.

❃ Always have your Captain initiate a gank.

❃ Try not to overextend on a turret during early game.

❃ During Mid and Late game, Reim can tank the turret damage pretty well during a gank.


❃ Make sure your Boots are useable before starting a teamfight. Reim is poor at chasing and running away, so having those active could change everything.

❃ Let your Captain check all bushes without a Scout Trap or use your Winter Spire to check.

❃ Target the hero your Lane is targeting. If he is a moron and attacks the enemy Captain first, prioritize the enemy carry. Most melee heroes know not to mess with Reim first.

PROTECT YOUR CARRY AT ALL COSTS! They are your main source of damage. Although Reim can win 2 vs 3 fights late game, you will most likely lose a team fight before late game if your carry dies.

❃ Use Valkyrie to stop ultimates that can be disabled via the stun and spam Winter Spire as much as possible.

❃ Use Chill Winds when an enemy hero is trying to escape then follow up with your other abilities. Make sure the enemy has been "chilled" from any of your abilities or a basic attack, otherwise, they will get away.

Glaive cannot escape Chill Winds when rooted with Afterburn nor can Skye with her Suri Strike ( Joule's Rocket Leap, Rona's Into the Fray, etc.). Chill Winds completely immobilizes heroes and denies their escape skills for a short period of time. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS.

❃ 2 vs 3? STAND YOUR GROUND AND FIGHT. Reim has a much higher chance of winning an unfair matchup than escaping. Trust me.


❃ If you really must run, then run... An ideal situation to run is to prevent an ace.

❃ Use your boots. They will greatly increase your chance of surviving. Also don't forget to activate Fountain of Renewal if you have it.

❃ If you have guts, basic attack the pursuers or throw an aimed Winter Spire then use Chill Winds to root them, then activate your boots and get the hell out of there.

❃ If you have voicechat, ask your Captain to build War Treads. I don't know how many times I've gotten my butt saved when my Captain got us out of a sticky situation with War Treads. If you are a Captain main, please buy War Treads when you have Reim as the Jungler. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Recommended Combos Top

This section has some combos that I recommend when using Reim.

Some have been mentioned previously, but I might as well recap them while I'm at it.

You can feel free to come up with your own combos as you continue to play as Reim.

Early Game Fights:


When Ganking (From The Bushes):

/ / -> BASIC ATTACK -> -> /

-> / / -> BASIC ATTACK -> ->

When Teamfighting:

/ / -> BASIC ATTACK -> -> ->

When Chasing:

/ / -> BASIC ATTACK -> -> /

When Escaping:

/ / -> (IF YOU HAVE IT)


BASIC ATTACK / -> -> / /

Synergy & Matchups Top

Vainglory is a team based MOBA.

Without a good understanding of who to team up with and who you are going up against, winning will be quite difficult.

This section will cover the synergies with Reim and my thoughts on why they do or do not.

It will also cover matchups against Reim for non-captain heroes including both Crystal and Weapon builds.

Remember that these are MY OPINIONS. Others may think differently then I do.

Captain Synergy Top


❃ My Rating: GREAT
❃ Pairs well with close combat fighters like Reim.
Quibble locks heroes in place with a stun for Reim.
Polite Company buffs up Reim's tankiness and can draw in enemy heroes.
Forced Accord brings enemy heroes directly to Reim.


❃ My Rating: GREAT
❃ Can cover up Reim's weaknesses. Can slow enemy heroes using her Heroic Perk.
Imperial Sigil can heal and provide a much needed speed boost for Reim.
Bright Bulwark snares enemy heroes for Reim making it hard to escape from him.
Arcane Passage allows Reim to teleport to chase or retreat based on the situation.


❃ My Rating: GREAT
❃ Pairs up with heroes who need to get close to their targets such as Reim.
Binding Light offers a double "root" combo with Reim that is tough to escape.
Fairy Dust provides such a strong slow for Reim to land his abilities.
Mooncloak can get Reim close to his target almost undetected.


❃ My Rating: GOOD
❃ Pairs up with heroes who need their target to stay in place. Reim can benefit from this.
Impale also offers a double "root" combo with Reim that is equally tough to escape.
Combat Roll + Gythian Wall can stun or knock heroes back to Reim.
❃ Can't help Reim directly escape with abilities...


❃ My Rating: GOOD
❃ Pairs up well with heroes who have a strong early game (not Reim) and has very good disruption skills.
Merciless Pursuit locks heroes in place with a stun for Reim.
Blast Tremor is a very good disruption skill that allows Reim to charge in.
❃ Many players build shield first when they see an enemy Catherine which lowers Reim's overall damage output.


❃ My Rating: GOOD
❃ Pairs up well with squishy heroes (not Reim) and can trap enemy heroes in an enclosed space.
Vanguard provides good early game protection for Reim and a slow if timed right.
Gauntlet traps enemy heroes allowing Reim to land his abilities easier.
❃ Has no viable stuns that can really benefit Reim.


❃ My Rating: AVERAGE
❃ Pairs up well with squishy heroes and heroes who rely heavily on their basic attacks (not Reim).
Gift of Fire gives a decent heal for Reim during early game.
Agent of Wrath doesn't boost the ability damage for Reim...
❃ Many players build shield first when they see an enemy Adagio which lowers Reim's overall damage output.
❃ Very unreliable stun.


❃ My Rating: POOR
❃ Pairs well with early game heroes and heroes who are strong at chasing (totally not Reim).
Truth of the Tooth provide a temporary speed boost, but Reim needs to know who Fortress is choosing to attack.
❃ Selfish B ability.
Attack of the Pack is a decent distraction, but no stuns, or any CC to help out Reim.

Carry Synergy Top


❃ My Rating: GREAT
❃ Strong Weapon Power Build and very, VERY mobile.
❃ Farms well in Lane and can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
Forward Barrage OP.
Death From Above can stun for Reim and prevent enemy retreats.


❃ My Rating: GREAT
❃ Strong Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms well in Lane and can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
Achilles Shot provides a useful slow for Reim.
Hellfire Brew can finish off enemies anywhere in the map for Reim.


❃ My Rating: GREAT
❃ Strong Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms decently in Lane and can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
Buckshot Bonanza provides an AOE slow for Reim.
Aces High can stun and combo with Reim's stun.


❃ My Rating: GREAT
❃ Moderately Strong Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms well in Lane, but usually runs low on energy before rotating down to a teamfight.
Glimmershot = Crazy Burst, One Shot One Kill = 360 No Scope across the map.
❃ Has a stun, but it's kinda unreliable and takes a lot of timing to pull off.


❃ My Rating: GOOD
❃ Strong Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms well in Lane and can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
❃ Melee hero, but is much more agile than the average melee hero.
❃ Similar to Reim, he has a ranged ability Chakram which allows for more versatility.


❃ My Rating: GOOD
❃ Strong Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms well in Lane, but has a tough time doing damage when rotating down for a teamfight.
Wait for It has a nice silence for Reim, Pulse has a slightly noticeable slow as well.
❃ Late game hero, team has to be careful during early game.


❃ My Rating: GOOD
❃ Strong Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms decently well in Lane, but does not rotate down often.
Porcupine Mortar gives a nice slow. Ion Cannon, if it lands. Ouch.
❃ Late game hero, team has to be careful during early game.


❃ My Rating: GOOD
❃ Strong Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms well in Lane, but does not rotate down at all.
Suppressing Fire provides a nice slow for Reim.
❃ Puts extreme pressure in the lane, but it often leads to him getting targeted and killed...


❃ My Rating: AVERAGE
❃ Strong Weapon Power Build, but is a Melee hero.
❃ Farms well in Lane and can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
Rocket Leap can stun and combo with Reim's stun.
❃ Crystal path does not go well with Reim at all.


❃ My Rating: AVERAGE
❃ Strong Weapon Power Build, but is a Melee hero.
❃ Has a bit of trouble in Lane, but can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
Feint of Heart leaves a trail that can speed up a chase for Reim.
❃ Doesn't have much CC such as a stun or slow to support Reim. CP path isn't so viable with Reim.


❃ My Rating: AVERAGE
❃ Decent Weapon Power Build, but is mainly a Crystal Power hero.
❃ Has a bit of trouble in Lane, but can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
Ordained allows Reim to land abilities easily if enemy stays in the prison radius.
Fearsome Shade can help Reim flee (or even chase) if needed.


❃ My Rating: AVERAGE
❃ Decent Weapon Power Build, but is mainly a Crystal Power hero.
❃ Has a bit of trouble in Lane, but can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
Spontaneous Combustion has a slow that can help out Reim.
❃ Holy moly, she is pretty squishy. Will get melted if no defense is built.


❃ My Rating: AVERAGE
❃ No Viable Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms well in Lane and can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
Core Collapse can stun and combo with Reim's stun.
❃ Seriously squishy as hell. Protecting her will be difficult.


❃ My Rating: POOR
❃ No Viable Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms well in Lane and can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
Goop is a slow, but it's kinda unreliable since it's usually set aflame...
Dragon Breath has an interesting mechanic, but it's speed boost is only used for escaping...


❃ My Rating: POOR
❃ No Viable Weapon Power Build.
❃ Farms well in Lane and can rotate down easily to support a Jungle teamfight.
❃ Glass Cannon. Oblivion would be good if a hero didn't immediately wake up after being hit.
❃ I'll be honest, he's a pretty selfish hero... If only he had a weapon build.

Matchups: WEAPON Top



❃ My Danger Rating: CONSIDERABLE
Reim is very strong against WP Junglers, but slippery heroes such as Taka can pose a threat.
❃ He can dodge your abilities easily with Kaiten.
❃ Bring Flare Guns to counter his Kaku.
❃ Be wary of the mortal wound that X-Retsu can apply.


❃ My Danger Rating: CONSIDERABLE
❃ Claims to be the 1 vs 1 King, but Reim is a big threat to his throne.
Dead Man's Rush and Spectral Smite gives him some decent sustain.
❃ Atlas = gg wp, get rekt m8.
❃ Watch for the stun from From Hell's Heart (lol).


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
❃ Strong early game. Weak later game. Don't let him bully you.
Grumpy is an annoying slow and allows wall jumping.
❃ Pop your Atlas Pauldron the moment Hangry is used.
❃ Block Stuffed if you are the target. A 1 v 3 is still a bad position, even for Reim.


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
❃ Another Lifesteal fighter if she builds Serpent Mask.
❃ She can use Into the Fray to chase or retreat.
❃ Watch out for the mortal wound on Foesplitter.
❃ Do not stand in Red Mist, try and get out or use your Valkyrie to stun her.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
Reim is considered a hard counter to this machine robot thingy.
Reim's CC abilities makes it tough to use her mobile abilities.
❃ When she dies, she remains motionless. A death sentence to anyone fighting Reim.
Atlas Pauldron will easily shut down her attack speed, a valuable asset to her WP build.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
❃ Holy smokes that armor is irritating, hopefully your carry bought Bonesaw (doesn't matter either way).
❃ Annoying stun with Rocket Leap, block it if possible.
Thunder Strike is more annoying in a WP build because critical strikes.
Big Red Button isn't a threat, you can safely ignore it for the most part.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
❃ Lifesteal fighter like Reim with his heroic perk Hunt the Weak and Bloodsong.
Afterburn makes Glaive slippery when it's up and watch out for the knockback.
Reim can tank Twisted Stroke with not too much trouble.
Reim outpaces this tiger in late game by a mile.


❃ My Danger Rating: No Rating
❃ Weapon Build is questionable. Has no weapon ratios to any of his abilities.
❃ No analysis needed.


❃ My Danger Rating: No Rating
❃ Weapon Build is questionable. Has no weapon ratios to any of his abilities.
❃ No analysis needed.


❃ My Danger Rating: No Rating
❃ Weapon Build is very weak. Has no weapon ratios to any of his abilities.
❃ Slippery, but does not pose a threat in a WP build. No analysis needed.


❃ My Danger Rating: No Rating
❃ Weapon Build is not viable. No analysis needed.



❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
Skye is the biggest counter to Reim in the game so far. I literally cry every time I face her.
❃ She is super mobile with her Suri Strike and basic attacks that Reim has so much trouble even touching her.
Forward Barrage's damage output is cancerous on a slow moving target like Reim.
Death From Above not only can stun you, but also block off any route of escape.


❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
Vox doesn't even have to get close to Reim to ramp up his damage.
❃ Kiting with Sonic Zoom has never been any easier on a slow moving target like Reim.
Pulse can slow you down.
Wait for It slams a shockwave of silence right in your face.


❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
Baron is surprisingly mobile in his WP build, enough to kite Reim pretty easily.
❃ Bully him during early game when he is weak. You will regret letting him get to late game.
Porcupine Mortar can apply an annoying slow on you.
❃ Watch out for the splash damage on his basic attacks and that terrifying Ion Cannon damage.


❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
❃ Honestly one of the hardest melee heroes I've faced when using Reim because of his utility.
❃ His WP build allows him to blink when using his Shroudstep making it hard to land abilities.
❃ Dodging Chakram is a pain, soak up the damage and pray it doesn't hurt too much.
Shimmer Strike is another unpredictable ability that throws off Reim's aim.


❃ My Danger Rating: CONSIDERABLE
Ringo can be annoying with his kiting, but he is still within range of Reim's attacking radius.
Achilles Shot has an annoying slow which hinders Reim's already poor fleeing and chasing ability.
Reim can't escape from Hellfire Brew, but he's slow enough already and can tank it reasonably.


❃ My Danger Rating: CONSIDERABLE
Kestrel used to be a force as a WP Carry, but she's been toned down.
Glimmershot hurts, but not as much her CP path.
Active Camo allows her to kite with Glimmershot, bring those Flare Guns.
❃ Tank One Shot One Kill for your Carry, you do not want that ultimate hitting your Carry.


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
Gwen's basic attack range is the lowest among snipers, allowing Reim to close in easier.
Buckshot Bonanza has an annoying slow, the reveal isn't so bad considering Reim sucks at ambushing.
❃ She can escape your CC abilities with Skedaddle.
Aces High is an annoying stun, but there is time to block it.


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
❃ In my opinion, basically a faster Krul with more utility and no stun.
Feint of Heart is the biggest problem since it makes fleeing difficult.
On Point is just annoying poke damage, you can safely ignore it.
❃ He can dodge your CC abilities with Rose Offensive.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
SAW is a sitting duck, almost impossible for Reim to miss his abilities.
Atlas Pauldron is a 100% must buy when facing him.
Suppressing Fire pretty much tells you when he is ready to fight.
❃ Watch out for Roadie Run and Mad Cannon when below 1/3 heatlh.


❃ My Danger Rating: No Rating
❃ Weapon Build is very, VERY rare. No analysis needed.


❃ My Danger Rating: No Rating
❃ Weapon Build is not viable. No analysis needed.


❃ My Danger Rating: No Rating
❃ Weapon Build is not viable. No analysis needed.


❃ My Danger Rating: No Rating
❃ Weapon Build is not viable. No analysis needed.

Matchups: CRYSTAL Top



❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
❃ Very strong early game, can tear you to shreds if you aren't careful.
❃ Constantly takes Aftershock as her first T3 item, a big annoyance for Reim.
❃ The burst of speed from ability usage and her Pouncy Fun makes running impossible.
Yummy Catnip Frenzy is predictable, but is a bigger threat to your carry than you.


❃ My Danger Rating: CONSIDERABLE
❃ Holy bananas, this monkey is slippery with Acrobounce.
❃ A frequent Aftershock builder like Koshka, but the lifesteal is more noticeable.
❃ Can rival your late game power, but Reim still outpaces him.
Bangarang is easily blockable, just make sure it's used on you and not your carry.


❃ My Danger Rating: CONSIDERABLE
❃ Still is a strong 1 v 1 fighter with a CP build, since a lot of his abilities have CP ratios.
Dead Man's Rush and Spectral Smite gives him more burst damage than sustain.
Atlas Pauldron still rekts this guy.
❃ Watch for the stun and increased damage from From Hell's Heart (double lol).


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
❃ Even stronger early game. Even weaker later game. Survive early, dominate late.
❃ Most likely will build Aftershock which is annoying.
Grumpy will do more damage from the CP ratios.
❃ Keep blocking Stuffed if you are the target. A 1 v 3 is still a bad position, even for Reim.


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
❃ Very strong burst. Survive it and Reim will be perfectly fine.
❃ He can still dodge your abilities easily with Kaiten.
❃ Always bring Flare Guns to see him under his Kaku.
X-Retsu will be his highest burst, so tank it as best as you can.


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
Reim is still a counter no matter the build Alpha decides to go.
❃ She consistently builds Aftershock as her first T3 item, which is an annoyance.
❃ When she dies, she still remains motionles. Best chance to take her out there and now.
❃ Steal her farm whenever possible, you want to outpace her during late game.


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
❃ KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Buy Slumbering Husk and you will be fine.
Rocket Leap does more damage and still stuns. Block, block, block!
Thunder Strike is less annoying in a CP build.
❃ Watch out for Echo. Allows her to fire two Big Red Buttons.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
❃ Out of the 3 Jungle Assassins, this guy is the least threatening to Reim.
Scorcher is an annoying poke, but Reim can shake it off.
❃ More of a threat to your carry rather then yourself.
❃ AOE splash from Netherform Detonator can be painful if you don't spread out a little.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
❃ A lot of similarities between this guy and Reim.
❃ Honestly, not too much of a threat to Reim considering CC doesn't really affect Reim.
❃ More of a threat to your carry rather then yourself.
❃ Just watch for the stun when leaving his Ordained, it can be a nuisance.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
❃ Solely relies on burst to deal damage, not that big of a deal for Reim.
Into the Fray does a lot more burst damage, so be wary.
❃ Watch out for the mortal wound and increased burst damage on Foesplitter.
❃ Rarely uses Red Mist in CP builds, don't worry about it that much.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
❃ CP Glaives love to fly around the map with that rocket axe.
Afterburn is more annoying then it is threatening.
❃ Protect your carry, he will often try and single them out for a 2 vs 3 fight.
Reim outpaces this tiger in late game by two miles when built CP.



❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
Skye is the biggest counter to Reim in the game so far. No matter what build she is.
❃ Just as mobile as her WP version, except her Suri Strike hits much harder.
Forward Barrage hurts. It really does.
Death From Above does all of the things in the WP build, but hurts more.


❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
Celeste has immense poke damage and range with all of her abilities and Reim does not like that.
❃ For Reim, walking over Celeste's Heliogenesis is like walking over a minefield.
❃ She has Core Collapse, a stun with a low cooldown.
❃ Her ultimate Solar Storm can hit Reim across the map.


❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
Kestrel's CP path is a pain to deal with compared to her WP path.
Glimmershot not only hurts more, but it does more splash damage as well.
❃ Carry Flare Guns to counter the very long Active Camo time.
❃ Same with WP Kestrel, tank One Shot One Kill for your carry. Expect it to sting more.


❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
Petal can kite Reim pretty easily with her pets and it's tough to take down all 3 at once.
❃ Don't step on those Brambleboom Seeds.
❃ She can chase and boost her damage with Trampoline!.
❃ Her ultimate Spontaneous Combustion is hard to avoid due to the slow before the explosions.


❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
Reim is a prime target for Samuel's Corrupted Genius perk due to his low mobility.
Malice & Verdict hurts, try your best to force Samuel out of his Drifting Dark.
❃ Save your boots for Oblivion, the sleep only lasts until you take damage.


❃ My Danger Rating: HIGH
❃ Very slippery and very mobile. Reim is also not a fan of that.
❃ His CP build gives him ranged basic attacks. A chance to kite Reim... Not good.
❃ Dodging Chakram is still a pain and has higher ratios than weapon builds.
Shimmer Strike is even more unpredictable with an extended range.


❃ My Danger Rating: CONSIDERABLE
Reim can take the extra damage from Skaarf's Fan the Flames with fortified health.
❃ Low mobility makes it hard to dodge Spitfire.
Goop makes Reim even slower, but he's slow from the start anyways.
❃ Getting close to Reim is dangerous, so Dragon Breath is risky for Skaarf to try.


❃ My Danger Rating: CONSIDERABLE
❃ CP Gwen is tougher to deal with due to her immense poke damage.
❃ Garbage auto attacks and heroic perk is rendered useless against heroes.
Buckshot Bonanza and Aces High do a lot more damage and have the same effects as a WP Gwen.


❃ My Danger Rating: CONSIDERABLE
❃ The high CP ratios make this type of build more threatening.
Feint of Heart is still a problem since it still makes fleeing difficult.
On Point poke damage is much more noticeable is really hard to dodge.
❃ He can still dodge your CC abilities with Rose Offensive and deal damage when chasing with it.


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
❃ Insane, like INSANE late game. Bully him early game to slow his gold income.
❃ Garbage auto attacks after early game ends.
❃ All his abilities are dangerous after he hits Level 10 and gains first overdrive.
❃ Watch for Suppressing Fire, that is your best chance to take him out.


❃ My Danger Rating: MODERATE
❃ A Potato until Level 12 even as ranged, take him down early game and he can't do ****.
❃ Useless heroic perk and Ability B only helps if Ringo builds Alternating Current.
❃ Watch out for the shield-ignoring ultimate, Hellfire Brew.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
❃ CP Baron is a walking splash damage turret. Harrass him early game so he can't build up power.
❃ Stop his Jump Jets and he will have nothing else to run.
❃ Predict where his Ion Cannon will land then dodge/block it and the fight will turn your way.


❃ My Danger Rating: LOW
❃ Spread out. Don't let CP Vox bounce his attacks and he will be a laughing stock.
❃ 1 v 1s with CP Vox is a joke, despite being a ranged hero.
❃ Be wary from the slow from Pulse and the silence from Wait for It.

Gameplay Top

This section will be some tips from me on how to play during each phase of a casual/ranked match and what items to buy.

I will also give tips on the new game modes: Battle Royale and Blitz.

I don't play these game modes that much, so my advice could be a bit shaky. Any help in the comments would be most appreciated.

Early Game Top

❃ Buy your Crystal Bit and Energy Battery then start at the last two miniona on the bottom side of your jungle.

❃ Be wary when you arrive to the bottom, only take the shop treant if your carry isn't in lane and is ready to teamfight if needed.

❃ Teleport back to your home base after the 4 minute mark. There you should buy a Heavy Prism, Void Battery, Oakheart, Light Shield and a pair of Sprint Boots to help prepare for an enemy jungle invade.

❃ If the enemy team decides to invade your jungle... Ping your carry immediately to come down and assist.

❃ Focus on farming. Don't gank unless you are sure you can kill the enemy carry or if your own carry is in trouble.

❃ Do not invade the enemy jungle, unless you have won a jungle fight.

❃ Get an Eve of Harvest, a Crystal Bit, a Reflex Block, a Kinetic Shield and a pair of Travel Boots when you can.

❃ Keep your Healing Flask until Mid Game starts.

❃ Make use of the Crystal Sentry as soon as it spawns. Reim can use the extra help if the enemy decides to invade.

Mid Game Top

❃ If you played it safe and not get completely overrun by the enemy team, you should have bought a Piercing Shard and another Heavy Prism.

❃ Upgrade your Reflex Block into an Aegis to prepare for the enemy team's abilities and ultimates.

❃ Purchase a Void Battery and prepare to upgrade your Travel Boots into Halcyon Chargers.

❃ Sell your Healing Flask to prepare to buy Late Game items.

❃ You should be decent in team fights now, since you have Valkyrie now. Just don't overdo it. Make sure the fight is fair and not against you. Reim isn't strong enough yet to take on a 2 vs 3 battle.

❃ You are the Jungler. Make sure your Crystal Sentry is safe and that your jungle has Scout Traps placed throughout your side of the jungle. Use this map to find some good placements for traps.

❃ Also keep track of the Gold Mine. Plan to attack it when it is almost full or when you have killed 1, 2 or all 3 of the other team's heroes.

Late Game Top

❃ By now, the Kraken should of spawned, and Reim should be at pretty much full power during teamfights.

❃ You should of finished Broken Myth and Halcyon Chargers by this time and should of purchased a Coat of Plates and a Dragonheart.

❃ Upgrade your Coat of Plates into an Atlas Pauldron.

❃ Upgrade your Dragonheart into a Nullwave Gauntlet if you have the gold.

❃ Have the gold and have some doubts about using Nullwave Gauntlet?

❃ Then ask yourself this:
❃ Pay close attention to the Kraken. It can be a game changer. Similar to the Gold Miner, only capture the Kraken when it's safe to do so or after an ace. Use Valkyrie to finish the capture or steal it from the other team. If you have time to take down enough turrets to reach the Vain Crystal, ignore the Kraken and just proceed towards the Vain Crystal and the remaining turrets.

❃ Don't forget to buy Crystal Infusions when you need them. A good time to buy them if you have the extra gold is during an attempt to capture the Kraken, pushing with the Kraken, and before a critical team fight.



Conclusion Top

Thank you for reading my guide about Reim and I hope it helps in your future endeavors.

I will make updates whenever possible or when a new version of the game comes out.

Feel free to add me on Vainglory if you play in the NA server.

Upvote this guide if you think it helped you and I appreciate any and all support.

Let me know if you have any questions about Reim in the discussion section and I will post answers to the ones I find most useful in the following FAQ section of this guide.

May the fold be with you.


Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments section.

I am refreshing this section because of the major update I made to this guide.

Any questions I feel like are worth sharing to the whole community, I'll post it here.

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