Table of contents Top
Introduction Top
Abilities & Gameplay Top
Prime Directive Top
Core Charge Top
This ability is the main source of your initiate damage. Thats why we recommend to upgrading this ability whenever you can. Each time this ability is used, it spends 2,5% of
Alpha's current health and gains a
Core Charge stack for 5.5 seconds (max. 3 stacks).
Core Charge cause
Alpha to lose more health using other
Core Charges, but also increases the damage of subswquent
Core Charges and causes her basic attacks to heal her. Also basic attacks reduce the cooldown of
Core Charge by 1 second and refresh the duration of
Core Charge. We recommend to overdrive
Core Charge because it is your main source of damage and a fortified auto attack combined with a gap closer. And also remember that it can also crit, so building a
Tyrant's Monocle can be usefull.
Core Charge is also a small gap closer and combined with
Prime Directive you will have a nice burst damage. Plus the extra cooldown reduction with every basic attack, you will be able to use
Core Charge quiet often on your target. We recommend to dash on your target with
Prime Directive (optimal with full
Core Charge stacks), auto attack,
Core Charge, auto attack. Then try to stutterstep a bit and stick with your target until your next
Core Charge is up. When overdrived, you will have your
Core Charge up every about 2 seconds, because the cooldown is only 4 seconds and
Core Charge also count as a basic attack. Also thanks to the small leap of
Core Charge, you can always stick to your target and do not really need a slow. Deal as much damage as you can within the 9 seconds cooldown of your
Prime Directive and of course give your best not to die! Do not let your target escape, also use boots if necessary. Try to get as much damage on your target as possible and use
Termination Protocol, if you are about to fall.
Termination Protocol Top
Strategy Top
No Fear! Top
Weapon power
Alpha is played as a frontliner, protecting your laner (for example
Skaarf) and initiator for your team. Her very high mobility makes her a great jungle hero which clears fast and efficiently and if she gets into melee range of enemy's laner, he will need a lot of help to get away from
Alpha. In the early game, always try to stack up 3
Core Charge stacks because it makes a huge difference of burst damage when initiating with
Prime Directive. After you hit your destination, stick onto him. The slow of
Prime Directive might just be enough, else you also have your gap closer
Core Charge and, of course, extra damage and auto attacks. If an enemy is low and you are about to die use your
Termination Protocol and try to charge to your target with
Prime Directive just in the last second before
Termination Protocol goes off and you will be able to finish the target AND stay alive if your team backs you up as it is intended to work. Try to keep a look at your cooldowns, so you dont end up using your ult and ending up sitting like a duck without your
Prime Directive!
Its totally enough if you managed to kill one carry, because you have kept the enemy busy and tanked most of the damage. You will have caused a 3 vs 2 situation and your teammates will be able to provide you enough time to reboot and hunt down the rest of your enemies. Furthermore, your support can save
Fountain of Renewal and
Crucible to protect and support your reboot. Also
Adagio's heal works on
Alpha's reboot.
Heroes with Alpha Top
More Guides Top
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